Saudi people are extremely private. Driving down a city street, one will observe only a handful of Saudi men, and more rarely a Saudi woman. Houses come with high concrete walls and few windows. I wonder...what do the Saudi women do in their houses all day. Sleep? Watch T.V? Visit with neighbors? I know it must vary. But it is a mystery to me now.
I'm thankful for our industrious home. My kids are amazing at finding projects. As I write Elijah is planting watermelon seeds and Ellen is creating little chicks to put inside her plastic Easter eggs. I'm thankful for homeschooling and all the various ideas that our curriculum presents to us. I often hear Ellen playfully playing with words, as Eugene Field did when he was young. And, I love how Elijah's mind latches onto some idea for a project and he looks for ways to execute it. Yesterday we began a unit on knot tying and spent several minutes brainstorming how knots were used in ancient times. Five minutes after the lesson Elijah was creating a zip-cord across the living room! Kids are amazing and very entertaining.
Masmak Fortress
Stay tuned for Benjamin's First Haircut...oh so cute!