This morning before the break of dawn we drug the kids out of bed and threw them on a bus heading for the Red Sands near Al Musahmiyah. Some new South African friends had invited us to join them for quad-biking on the dunes. What a blast! Check out some of our photos. Ellen proved to be a real speed demon. Elijah tried out his own bike but preferred to sit with his dad. Jeff managed to stay upright. Thank you, God! Even Benjamin and I gave it a go!
The color of the sand reminds me of the Great Sand Dunes of Colorado.
Other shots from the journey. What a beautiful drive through the Tuwaiq Escarpment! As you drive out of Riyadh the land appears flat as far as the eye can see. Suddenly, the land drops away on either side as you cross through the Escarpment. Quite Stunning!