The vendors spoke very good English and were polite. Not at all pushy. One of the salesmen even brought me a cup of coffee after I made my purchase. He told me repeatedly that he liked America and that he was giving me a good discount:)
I got several questions about Benjamin - he certainly is a curiousity here. When I tell people that he is my son, they usually look confused and I believe assume that I have had several husbands. I always try to immediately correct them, saying that Benjamin's parents couldn't take care of him, so we took him into our family. Adoption does not happen in Saudi Arabia, but I believe it is considered a virtue to care for orphans.
The Dirah Souq has two interesting attractions. One is a small castle, which apparently is sometimes open. I have yet to figure out when things are open or closed around here! The other attraction is "Chop-Chop Square." Though my first thought was that I was entering a livestock butching zone, I was informed by a friend that this is where crimial executions used to take place - beheadings! Wow! Hard to imagine! Sometimes it feels almost normal here...and then Chop-Chop Square!